05 February 2009

This is awesome, but only in select Metropoli

So I can see this app working well in combination with Twitter--A twitter map with all my buddies, I can click on the map, their profile pops up with their latest Twits.
I could see this working well with Flickr. Same map, but with live pics.

The thing is, you need to be in a place, a geographically small city, where people are moving around, it seems only perfect for bar hoppers. Or bike messengers. If people aren't moving every few hours, why check their location? We'll see.

But what I WANT to see this working well with are live branded events. "Sometime today, somewhere in Manhattan, we will giving away free [INSERT PRODUCT HERE]. Watch your map." The map can be on the product home page. The guy who has the van full of free shit can "turn on" his location for 15 min then shut it off... It's an instant mad rush to the area, you can see how many users are there. FINALLY we can measure giveaways, product demos and events. It's a hotbed for compelling content of all sorts.

04 February 2009

Whoa Fella, one too many questions

I liked the look of LivingSocial but they're asking too many questions to get started. It's a site where you list the consumed culture in your life and it helps you build on that. Great idea. E.g. list all the books you've read and are reading and want to read. Then you're linked to all others by that data. TV shows, movies, restaurants. Great.
But to get started you have to fill in all the data. Much more time consuming than starting a facebook page.

Oh, and it's a facebook app. But it's not. It's a separate page. It has the facebook link at the top, but so does my browser. Note the pictures to the right and below.

It's definitely compelling content. It's a place for advertisers to get SOOOO specific. And it's a useful kind of specific. If they know I love Scorsese movies, they may remind me about Raging Bull, which reminds me, I still haven't seen that. But my buddies have. Perhaps I'll buy it right here!

Better yet, maybe my Blockbuster delivery account could have a say in influencing me?

I might be jumping to conclusions here. I'll do more research and get back to me.